Refrigerant gas swap out makes good horticultural sense

Cam Lewis is one of many farmers and horticultural managers who have worked with DTS to swap out R404A refrigerant gas from dairy and packhouse chillers to the lower GWP refrigerant— R499A.

Revitalising a Market Garden with a DTS Cool Room

Phoebe and Jake, sole traders of a thriving market garden in Levin, outgrew their current cooling solution, a small container, which proved inefficient and impractical.

DTS cheers on young athletes

We love helping out with rural events. We recently threw ourselves behind the 2023 North Island School Sport NZ Cross Country, hosted by the Bush Riders Motorcycle Club.

Is your refrigeration ready for calving?

Each year at the start of calving, we get a number of refrigeration callouts that could be avoided with a bit of prep work.

Here is a quick check you can perform before milk hits the vat to ensure a smooth start to the new season.

Top tips for vat maintenance

The end of the season is a good time to start thinking about your vat maintenance and getting your plant up to scratch before you start milking again.

Cool plant, pocket and planet

DTS, a leading New Zealand refrigeration company, is on a mission to eliminate harmful refrigerants and prevent costly surprises for customers nationwide

Gas can burn dairy farm profits

The rapid increase in the New Zealand carbon unit price (NZU) can have a big effect on dairy farmers as New Zealand pursues its domestic and international climate change targets.

NZ Dairy tech opening doors for new business

DTS, leading manufacturer of New Zealand’s on-farm stainless steel milk vats, is focused on growing into new domestic and export markets. For the past 40 years DTS has been active in the dairy industry. Now, Gavin Thwaites CEO, says the company is actively pursuing an ‘unshackling’ growth strategy.

Ways that DTS can help reduce your environmental footprint

New Zealand has the lowest carbon footprint for milk in the world – something to be proud of. But there’s still room for improvement, and some impressive gains can be achieved with very little effort.